Subtitle text
P - 16
Text Center - Centers text
Inline Text - Changes text from block to Inline-Block with a 5px margin
Text Notice - Used in forms or to display a message/notice to users
Rich Text
All text elements are already configured you need to add the class Rich Text to any Rich Text element to get the pre-set styles.
"Pull quote..."
Text Truncate
Text is set to truncate after x amount of characters
Democrats’ digital disadvantage extends to tech. We build tools for campaigns and caucuses to streamline their efforts and win elections.
Democrats’ digital disadvantage extends to tech. We build tools for campaigns and caucuses to streamline their efforts and win elections.
These can be applied as additional classes to any element.
Class names that start with "x-" are externally defined classes. Their appearance is defined outside of Webflow, and often enables some behaviour that's implemented in JavaScript. Such classes can be freely used on elements in Webflow whenever you want the associated behaviour, but are not and should never be styled in Webflow.
Lorem ipsum...
Lorem ipsum...
Lorem ipsum...
Lorem ipsum...
Lorem ipsum...